Chaos Theory: Small Changes You Can Make Every Day To Feel Better


Photo by Ian Stauffer on Unsplash

Small changes we can make to make ourselves feel better can have a significant impact on our lives. Making these small changes can improve our overall well-being as well as our physical and mental health.

However, having a more detailed understanding of why we need to make these small changes can help us understand why they are so important.

However, at any point in our lives, taking time to do things for ourselves often comes last, as we have so many things to do. The enormous increase in the use of technology will have attracted the attention of companies, that they constantly stimulate people’s attention through technological tools and spend serious money to attract them, causing attention disorders on people and stress on society. However, taking a few minutes to make some small changes can benefit us greatly in the long run.

One of the things many people do to feel better is meditation. Meditation can reduce stress and calm the mind, helping us feel more relaxed. Meditation can also help us deal with emotional issues such as depression and anxiety.

Another small change is to work on our sleep patterns. Sleep is necessary for our body to rest. However, modern lifestyle contains many factors that prevent us from getting enough sleep. For this reason, we can make small changes to improve our sleep, such as avoiding the use of electronic devices such as phones and tablets before going to bed, and regulating our sleep hours.

Another small change is healthy eating. Eating healthy increases our energy level and protects our body from diseases. However, eating healthy can sometimes be difficult in terms of time and money. Therefore, we can make small changes such as creating a healthy eating plan, preparing meals regularly, adding vegetables to our meals.

The chaos theory example shows that small changes in life can have big impacts. This theory uses a concept known as the butterfly effect. This concept claims that the flapping of a butterfly’s wings can cause a worldwide storm. This way of thinking shows how small changes can have big impacts.

So, what are the small changes you can make every day to feel better?

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Change Your Morning Routine

Starting the day early makes your day more productive. Reconsider your morning routine. Instead of checking your social media accounts on your phone, the first thing you will do when you wake up is take a few deep breaths, have breakfast and meditate. This will make you feel calmer and more energetic for the rest of your day.

Photo by Julia Zolotova on Unsplash

Drink More Water

Drinking water keeps our bodies functioning properly. Consuming enough water hydrates our skin, regulates our digestive system, and increases our mental clarity. Try to increase your daily water consumption and you will see that you will feel better.

Photo by Andreas Dress on Unsplash

Go For A Walk

Regular walking is beneficial not only for physical health but also for mental health. Walking reduces stress, relaxes the mind, and relieves symptoms of depression. By walking 30 minutes a day, you will feel better.

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Give Your Phone a Break

Nowadays, unfortunately, we do not drop our phones from our hands. These devices constantly occupy our minds and increase our stress level. By taking a break from your phone at regular intervals, you can rest your mind and reduce your stress level.

Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

Get into the Habit of Saying Thank You

Giving thanks is a habit that helps positive thinking. Start each day by being grateful for a few things. By appreciating the little things, you can easily feel gratitude for the bigger things as well.

Photo by Rithika Gopalakrishnan on Unsplash

Take Time for Yourself

Taking time for ourselves can be overwhelming at times, but it is an important way to reduce our stress levels and feel better. Our time to ourselves may include planning what to do, meditating, spending time on our hobbies, or simply being alone in a quiet place.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Think Positive

Despite the fact that not everything in our life is under our control, we do have control over how we think. Thinking positively can be an excellent way to reduce our negative thoughts and feel better overall. This can include looking at things on the bright side in any given situation, talking to ourselves in a positive way, and looking at many things in a positive way.

We can make ourselves feel better every day by making small changes. While some of these changes are easier than others, they’re all useful to us. Taking care of ourselves, adopting a healthy lifestyle, and thinking positively can increase our self-confidence and help us live a happier life. In this process, it is necessary to comply with the articles in the long term by showing will. Trying to acquire good habits by strengthening our will and trying to reinforce these good habits are very useful and effective methods for us.

It is very important to take time for yourself to feel better about your day. Taking a few minutes to yourself during the day reduces your stress levels and protects your mental health. Pause yourself for a few minutes with activities such as breathing exercises or walking. Thus, you will feel more comfortable and peaceful.

Stay healthy…



Ahmet BILEN | Travel, Cultures, History, Book, Art

I am a dreamer with an unusual thinking, creative spirit. Happy to share what I do with passion about what I have experienced. I enjoy to see different places.