Traveller: Seeing and Discovering Different People and Cultures


Photo by Hasan Almasi on Unsplash

Traveling has been a great source of inspiration for people for thousands of years. It is a great opportunity to explore different people, living things, nature, architecture, cultures and religions and to understand the world better. In particular, exploring historical sites makes this experience even more unforgettable.

Exploring the places where thousands of people lived in ancient times almost revives that period and makes the traveler feel as if he is breathing the air of those times. The traveler’s journey into the past by acting like a time machine in these places ensures that he is intertwined with history.

The works of travelers such as Evliya Çelebi, Marco Polo, İbn-i Battuta and El İdrisi reflect this experience exactly. When we think about how Evliya Çelebi felt about the places he saw while traveling, we take ourselves back to that period with the impressions we get from his writings. Marco Polo’s Travelogue in which he describes his experiences in Asia, Ibn-i Battuta’s Rihla in which he describes his travels in Africa and the Middle East, and El İdrisi’s Geography, in which he introduces different parts of the world, are perfect for travelers who want to explore historical places. It is literally a treasure.

Through the writings, descriptions and descriptions of these travelers, travelers can better understand what they saw and felt during their time. The difficulties they encounter in their travels, the new places they discover and the cultures they experience are very important sources of inspiration for us.

Traveling is a great opportunity not only to discover different cultures and places, but also to discover ourselves. Travels not only introduce us to new places, but also allow us to explore our inner world. When we find ourselves in a different environment, our perspective towards the world and people also changes.

For example, Evliya Çelebi shares his own thoughts while describing the different cultures and people he encountered in the places he visited in his Travel Book. His writings reflect not only the places he visited, but also the thoughts and lifestyles of that period. While El Idrisi introduces different parts of the world in his Geography, he also shares his geography knowledge and map drawings of that period. Marco Polo also describes the new places he discovered in Asia, as well as the lifestyles, beliefs and cultures of the people living there. Ibn Battuta also describes in detail the different cultures, beliefs and lifestyles he encountered during his travels in Africa and the Middle East. His writings also reflect the social life, commercial relations and political structures of that period.

The works of the travelers are a great source of inspiration not only for those who want to explore historical places, but also for history and culture buffs. The difficulties, differences and similarities they encounter on their travels give us a different perspective and a broader perspective on the world.

Traveling is a great opportunity not only to discover new places, but also to better understand ourselves and the world. The works of travelers who lived in the past are a real treasure for those who want to explore historical places, and these works give us a wider perspective on the world.

Who knows, maybe years later someone will write about us?



Ahmet BILEN | Travel, Cultures, History, Book, Art

I am a dreamer with an unusual thinking, creative spirit. Happy to share what I do with passion about what I have experienced. I enjoy to see different places.